The boys had a fun May, for sure. In AKC news, Fox Meadow Hausti Solstafir tacked on a few more points toward his Grand CH. By the end of May, he stood at 19. Also, in May, the Breed Standings through April 30 were published, and Solstafir was still holding his position as the #4 Icelandic Sheepdog in the AKC, for 4 months running.
The other big news was in UKC conformation, where coming right off earning his UKC-CH in April, little brother Fox Meadow Thorra Kari went Best Of Breed twice, Herding Group #1 twice, and took a Reserve Best In Show, on May 13. That was also his 15 month birthday, making it a great celebration! Solstafir also took 2 Champion class Best Of breed majors in UKC conformation, earning 2 of his 5 legs toward his UKC Grand CH.