Solstafir has been mated to Viking Tindra, daughter of Frostfyre's Roskur, and Viking Syfjuth. Their courtship was June 21, 22, and 23, so we may be expecting a litter around the last week of August. The mating was concurrent with not only the Summer Solstice, but also the Super Moon this year, which got them extra frisky! The litter will be whelped in New Jersey, by Julianna Price, Tindra's owner. I'll provide more details as they reveal themselves.
In other news, Vetur (Fox Meadow Thorra Kari) moved up in the AKC rankings to the #14 Icie, and he holds the UKC #2 ranking in Icies. Solstafir still hangs out in the top 5 in AKC as the #4 ranked Icie, and is Still UKC's #1 Icelandic Sheepdog. Youngster Solsteinn Keisari at Whitetail has received his first leg towards his UKC Grand Champiopnship title, and has also received two AKC Best Of Breed wins, at just 9 months old.
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